
Set-Up Guide

1. When adding RSVPkachu to your server, do not de-select the

Manage Messages

permission. If you did so, you will have to create a role that gives RSVPKachu the

Manage Messages

permission in order to proceed.

2. Set the timezone for your server. It is set by default to


(Pacific time). Refer to -set tz command in Server Settings and the list of acceptable timezones.

3. To make sure things are working properly, type in
-new testPost 1h
to create a post that expires in 1 hour from current server time.

4. You can start creating RSVP posts using the commands now! Click on a row for more details and examples!

Server Settings

User must have

Manage Server

permissions to use these commands.

Click on a row to expand detail view for a command!
+/- Command Description Usage


View current server settings



Output will look like this:
Server settings
Prefix: -
UTC timezone offset: -7:00 => 10:20PM
Mod role name: Gym Leaders
Join/cancel time limit: 0 minutes
RSVP pinning: Enabled
Auto-deletion of user commands: Disabled
Auto-deletion of mod commands: Enabled

-set prefix

Change server's command prefix

-set prefix newPrefix


: 5 character limit

-set prefix pika-

Changes server prefix to
. You now have to type
for all your RSVPkachu commands, e.g.
to view your server settings instead of the default,

Note: default is

-set tz

Change server's timezone

-set tz timezoneName


: timezone name exactly as listed here

Note: Default setting is America/Los_Angeles (covers Pacific timezone)

For guilds still using the numerical offsets, the bot will still work. However, if you ever need to update the timezone, then you will need to follow the new conventions of using the timezone name instead of an offset.

-set mod_role

Change name of Discord mod role required to use RSVPkachu's mod commands

-set mod_role modRoleName


: new Discord mod role name that will allow users with that role to use RSVPkachu's mod commands; 75 character limit

-set mod_role bot commander

Grants RSVPkachu mod permission to all users with role "bot commander"

Note: default role name is

Gym Leaders

Default RSVPkachu mod command access to anyone with

Manage Messages


-set pins

Enable/disable pinning of RSVP post after its creation

-set pins on/off


: on or off if you want to enable or disable pinning of RSVP post after creating it with a new/event command

-set pins on

Turns on pinning of all newly-created RSVP posts

Note: default is


-set del_user_cmds

Enable/disable auto-deletion of correctly-entered user commands

-set del_user_cmds on/off


: on or off if you want to enable or disable auto-deletion of user commands (join/cancel) on successful entry

-set del_user_cmds on

Turns on auto-deletion of user commands on success

Note: default is


-set del_mod_cmds

Enable/disable auto-deletion of correctly-entered mod commands

-set del_mod_cmds on/off


: on or off if you want to enable or disable auto-deletion of mod commands on successful entry

-set del_mod_cmds on

Turns on auto-deletion of mod commands on success

Note: default is


-set correction_responses

Enable/disable RSVPkachu correction responses when user enters incorrect commands.

-set correction_responses on/off


: on or off if you want to enable or disable RSVPkachu correction responses.

-set correction_responses off

Turns off correction responses

Note: default is


Mod Commands

User must have

Manage Message

permissions or mod role (default is

Gym Leaders

, can be set by server admins using -set mod_role command above) to use the following commands.

Click on a row to expand detail view for a command!
+/- Command Description Usage


Create a new RSVP post (2 hour limit)

-new name mapURL expireTime firstGroupTime notes


: relevant name; one string (no spaces); 75 character limit

mapURL (optional)

: relevant url that begins with http:// or https://; one string (no spaces); 200 character limit


: RSVP expiration time; must occur 2 hours or less from current time. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 1h45m, 1h, 50m, 22:30


: time for first group; must occur before expireTime. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 1h45m, 1h, 50m, 22:30
If omitted, first group is automatically set to 30 minutes from current time (rounded to the nearest 5 minutes) if there are at least 30 minutes between now and expireTime.


: any relevant notes, such as location, address, movesets; 250 character limit

-new Pokemon 12:00 11:30 Right around the corner

Creates a new pinned raid post that looks like:
[P0] Pokemon @ Right around the corner | Expires @ 12:00PM
-join P0 A 1 @ 11:30AM, RSVP'd[0]:

Notes: if you are inputting both expireTime and firstGroupTime, you can input them into the command in in either order; the time that occurs sooner will be firstGroupTime.


Create a new RSVP post (14 day limit)

-event name mapURL date expireTime firstGroupTime notes


: relevant name; one string (no spaces); 75 character limit

mapURL (optional)

: relevant url that begins with http:// or https://; one string (no spaces); 200 character limit


: RSVP expiration date; MM/DD format. Must be 14 days or less from present date.


: RSVP expiration time. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30


: time for first group; must occur before expireTime. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30


: any relevant notes, such as location, address, movesets; 250 character limit

-event Pokemon 1/6 4:00p 11:30p Right around the corner

Creates a new pinned raid post that looks like:
[EP0] Pokemon on Sat, Jan 06 @ Right around the corner | Expires on 01/06 @ 11:30PM
-join EP28 A 1 @ 04:00PM, RSVP'd[0]:

Notes: RSVP IDs will have an "E" to indicate it is an event raid ID. If you are inputting both expireTime and firstGroupTime, you can input them into the command in in either order; the time that occurs sooner will be firstGroupTime.


Add group(s) to existing RSVP post

-add rsvpID time1 ... time6
-add rsvpID time1 label1 ... time3 label3


: new group time(s); ALL times must occur before RSVP post's expiration time. Add up to 6 group times or up to 3 group times with 3 group labels. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30. Formats like 5m/1h/1h50m only work for RSVP posts created with -new.

label (optional)

: label for group time, e.g. Instinct, Mystic, Valor, etc; 50 character limit.
-add Z99 14:00

Adds a group for 2:00pm for rsvpID Z99
-add Z99 14:00 ANY

Adds a group for 2:00pm with label 'ANY' for rsvpID Z99
-add Z99 14:00 X 14:00 Y 14:00 Z

Adds 3 groups for 2:00pm with labels 'X', 'Y', 'Z' for rsvpID Z99


Change the information of an existing raid post

-label rsvpID groupLetter1 newLabel1 ... groupLetter6 newLabel6


: group letter corresponding to the group time you want to change the label for. Change up to 6 group labels.


: new label, e.g. Instinct, Mystic, Valor, etc; 50 character limit. Use * to clear label.


Update RSVP expiration time or RSVP group time

-time rsvpID newExpireTime
-time rsvpID groupLetter newGroupTime


: new RSVP expiration time; must occur 2 hours or less from current time. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30. Formats like 5m/1h/1h50m only work for RSVP posts created with -new.


: group letter corresponding to the group time you want to change the group time for.


: new group time; must occur before RSVP post's expiration time. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30. Formats like 5m/1h/1h50m only work for RSVP posts created with -new.


Legacy command to change RSVP group time

-change rsvpID groupLetter newGroupTime

groupLetter (optional)

: group letter corresponding to the group time you want to change the group time for. Defaults to A if not included.


: new group time; must occur before RSVP post's expiration time. Examples of formats accepted for time: 7:00a, 5:30pm, 2p, 22:30. Formats like 5m/1h/1h50m only work for RSVP posts created with -new.

Notes: it is highly recommended that you use -time for this purpose.


Update name of RSVP post

-name rsvpID newName


: new name; 75 character limit


Update url of RSVP post

-url rsvpID newURL


: new url that begins with http:// or https://; one string (no spaces); 200 character limit


Update notes of RSVP post

-notes rsvpID newNotes


: new notes; 250 character limit


Delete a RSV post or a specific group time from a RSVP post

-delete rsvpID

-delete rsvpID groupLetter


: group letter associated with the time you want to delete. If omitted, deletes entire RSVP post.

-delete Z99 B

Deletes group B from rsvpID Z99
-delete Z99

Deletes rsvpID Z99's entire post

-delete rsvpID
will unpin before deleting message.


Post message mentioning users signed up for an RSVP post or for a specific group time

-notify rsvpID message

-notify rsvpID groupLetter message


: must be at least 2 characters; 250 character limit

-notify Z99 message

Sends a message mentioning all users RSVP'd for rsvpID Z99
-notify Z99 A message

Sends a message mentioning all users RSVP'd for rsvpID Z99 group A

Gym Commands

User must have

Manage Message

permissions or mod role (default is

Gym Leaders

, can be set by server admins using -set mod_role command above) to use the following commands.

Click on a row to expand detail view for a command!
+/- Command Description Usage


Display count of gyms saved in channel



Output will look like this:
There are 18 locations saved for this channel.

-gym new

Save new gym for channel

-gym new name url notes


: relevant name; can have spaces; 75 character limit


: relevant url that begins with http:// or https://; one string (no spaces); 200 character limit


: any relevant notes, such as location, address, movesets; 250 character limit

-find /
-gym find

Find gym by saved gym name

-find gymNameQuery


: minimum 3 characters, not case-sensitive Example:
-find test

Output will look like this:
[0] **G1** -new p x Test Gym 1 | Test Address (Middle Earth)
[1] **G2** -new p x Test Gym 2 | Test Address (Middle Earth)

is your gymID that will be used for other -gym commands.
Further note: you will see reactions added with reaction numbers that correspond to the number in
. Clicking on the reaction will isolate your post so that it is just the command for that selected gym. For instance, if you click reaction 1, your post now changes to just
-new p x Test Gym 2 | Test Address (Middle Earth)

Clicking on the 'x' reaction deletes the results post to reduce clutter.


List all saved locations in the channel


Note: If there are less than or equal to 10 locations saved in the channel, the information will print to chat. Otherwise, a CSV file with all the locations will be attached.

-gym name

Update name of saved gym

-gym name gymID newName


: the id associated with saved gym, begins with 'G' and appears in your initial -find results.


: new name; 75 character limit

-gym url

Update URL of saved gym

-gym url gymID newUrl


: the id associated with saved gym, begins with 'G' and appears in your initial -find results.


: new url that begins with http:// or https://; one string (no spaces); 200 character limit

-gym notes

Update notes of saved gym

-gym notes gymID newNotes


: the id associated with saved gym, begins with 'G' and appears in your initial -find results.


: new notes; 250 character limit

-gym delete

Delete saved gym from channel

-gym delete gymID


: the id associated with saved gym, begins with 'G' and appears in your initial -find results.

All-User Commands

Click on a row to expand detail view for a command!
+/- Command Description Usage


RSVP user for a raid group time

-join rsvpID groupLetter partySize

groupLetter (optional)

: group letter associated with group time to RSVP to. If omitted, defaults to group A.

partySize (optional)

: number of people in party. If omitted, defaults to 1. Capped at 20 per user.

-join Z99 B 3

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group B, with a count of 3 users
-join Z99 2

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group A, with a count of 2 users
-join Z99 B

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group B, with a count of 1 user
-join Z99

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group A, with a count of 1 user


Cancel user's RSVP for a raid group time

-leave rsvpID groupLetter

groupLetter (optional)

: group letter associated with group time to RSVP to. If omitted, defaults to group A.

-leave Z99 B

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group B
-leave Z99

Adds user to RSVP for rsvpID Z99, group A

is also an equivalent command.


Display summary of active RSVP post(s) in the channel

-show rsvpID

returns a list summary of all the active RSVP posts in the channel.
-show rsvpID
returns a summary of a specific RSVP post.


Start command helper


provides commands overview.
-help command
gives you detailed information on that particular command.

Timezones Accepted

Click/tap the timezone name to copy it. Use exact timezone name when setting timezone. You can filter the table using the search bar.

If you are viewing this table on a smaller screen, some of the columns may be hidden. There will be a circle with a plus sign that you can click/tap; it opens up to display the information on the hidden columns, such as the associated UTC offsets. However, it will also copy the timezone name.

Timezone Name Location Covers UTC Offset
Europe/Andorra Andorra / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Dubai United Arab Emirates / AS +04:00/+04:00
Asia/Kabul Afghanistan / AS +04:30/+04:30
America/Antigua Antigua and Barbuda / NA -04:00/-04:00
America/Anguilla Anguilla / NA -04:00/-04:00
Europe/Tirane Albania / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Yerevan Armenia / AS +04:00/+04:00
Africa/Luanda Angola / AF +01:00/+01:00
Antarctica/Casey Antarctica / AF Casey +11:00/+11:00
Antarctica/Davis Antarctica / AF Davis +07:00/+07:00
Antarctica/DumontDUrville Antarctica / AF Dumont-d'Urville +10:00/+10:00
Antarctica/Mawson Antarctica / AF Mawson +05:00/+05:00
Antarctica/McMurdo Antarctica / AF New Zealand time - McMurdo, South Pole +12:00/+13:00
Antarctica/Palmer Antarctica / AF Palmer -03:00/-03:00
Antarctica/Rothera Antarctica / AF Rothera -03:00/-03:00
Antarctica/Syowa Antarctica / AF Syowa +03:00/+03:00
Antarctica/Troll Antarctica / AF Troll +00:00/+02:00
Antarctica/Vostok Antarctica / AF Vostok +06:00/+06:00
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Argentina / SA Buenos Aires (BA, CF) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Catamarca Argentina / SA Catamarca (CT); Chubut (CH) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Cordoba Argentina / SA Argentina (most areas: CB, CC, CN, ER, FM, MN, SE, SF) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Jujuy Argentina / SA Jujuy (JY) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/La_Rioja Argentina / SA La Rioja (LR) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Mendoza Argentina / SA Mendoza (MZ) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos Argentina / SA Santa Cruz (SC) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Salta Argentina / SA Salta (SA, LP, NQ, RN) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/San_Juan Argentina / SA San Juan (SJ) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/San_Luis Argentina / SA San Luis (SL) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Tucuman Argentina / SA Tucuman (TM) -03:00/-03:00
America/Argentina/Ushuaia Argentina / SA Tierra del Fuego (TF) -03:00/-03:00
Pacific/Pago_Pago American Samoa / OC -11:00/-11:00
Europe/Vienna Austria / EU +01:00/+02:00
Antarctica/Macquarie Australia / OC Macquarie Island +11:00/+11:00
Australia/Adelaide Australia / OC South Australia +09:30/+10:30
Australia/Brisbane Australia / OC Queensland (most areas) +10:00/+10:00
Australia/Broken_Hill Australia / OC New South Wales (Yancowinna) +09:30/+10:30
Australia/Currie Australia / OC Tasmania (King Island) +10:00/+11:00
Australia/Darwin Australia / OC Northern Territory +09:30/+09:30
Australia/Eucla Australia / OC Western Australia (Eucla) +08:45/+08:45
Australia/Hobart Australia / OC Tasmania (most areas) +10:00/+11:00
Australia/Lindeman Australia / OC Queensland (Whitsunday Islands) +10:00/+10:00
Australia/Lord_Howe Australia / OC Lord Howe Island +10:30/+11:00
Australia/Melbourne Australia / OC Victoria +10:00/+11:00
Australia/Perth Australia / OC Western Australia (most areas) +08:00/+08:00
Australia/Sydney Australia / OC New South Wales (most areas) +10:00/+11:00
America/Aruba Aruba / NA -04:00/-04:00
Europe/Mariehamn Åland Islands / EU +02:00/+03:00
Asia/Baku Azerbaijan / AS +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina / EU +01:00/+02:00
America/Barbados Barbados / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Dhaka Bangladesh / AS +06:00/+06:00
Europe/Brussels Belgium / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Ouagadougou Burkina Faso / AF +00:00/+00:00
Europe/Sofia Bulgaria / EU +02:00/+03:00
Asia/Bahrain Bahrain / AS +03:00/+03:00
Africa/Bujumbura Burundi / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Porto-Novo Benin / AF +01:00/+01:00
America/St_Barthelemy Saint Barthélemy / NA -04:00/-04:00
Atlantic/Bermuda Bermuda / NA -04:00/-03:00
Asia/Brunei Brunei Darussalam / AS +08:00/+08:00
America/La_Paz Bolivia, Plurinational State of / SA -04:00/-04:00
America/Kralendijk Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba / NA -04:00/-04:00
America/Araguaina Brazil / SA Tocantins -03:00/-03:00
America/Bahia Brazil / SA Bahia -03:00/-03:00
America/Belem Brazil / SA Para (east); Amapa -03:00/-03:00
America/Boa_Vista Brazil / SA Roraima -04:00/-04:00
America/Campo_Grande Brazil / SA Mato Grosso do Sul -04:00/-03:00
America/Cuiaba Brazil / SA Mato Grosso -04:00/-03:00
America/Eirunepe Brazil / SA Amazonas (west) -05:00/-05:00
America/Fortaleza Brazil / SA Brazil (northeast: MA, PI, CE, RN, PB) -03:00/-03:00
America/Maceio Brazil / SA Alagoas, Sergipe -03:00/-03:00
America/Manaus Brazil / SA Amazonas (east) -04:00/-04:00
America/Noronha Brazil / SA Atlantic islands -02:00/-02:00
America/Porto_Velho Brazil / SA Rondonia -04:00/-04:00
America/Recife Brazil / SA Pernambuco -03:00/-03:00
America/Rio_Branco Brazil / SA Acre -05:00/-05:00
America/Santarem Brazil / SA Para (west) -03:00/-03:00
America/Sao_Paulo Brazil / SA Brazil (southeast: GO, DF, MG, ES, RJ, SP, PR, SC, RS) -03:00/-02:00
America/Nassau Bahamas / NA -05:00/-04:00
Asia/Thimphu Bhutan / AS +06:00/+06:00
Africa/Gaborone Botswana / AF +02:00/+02:00
Europe/Minsk Belarus / EU +03:00/+03:00
America/Belize Belize / NA -06:00/-06:00
America/Montreal Canada / NA -05:00/-04:00
America/Atikokan Canada / NA EST - ON (Atikokan); NU (Coral H) -05:00/-05:00
America/Blanc-Sablon Canada / NA AST - QC (Lower North Shore) -04:00/-04:00
America/Cambridge_Bay Canada / NA Mountain - NU (west) -07:00/-06:00
America/Creston Canada / NA MST - BC (Creston) -07:00/-07:00
America/Dawson Canada / NA Pacific - Yukon (north) -08:00/-07:00
America/Dawson_Creek Canada / NA MST - BC (Dawson Cr, Ft St John) -07:00/-07:00
America/Edmonton Canada / NA Mountain - AB; BC (E); SK (W) -07:00/-06:00
America/Fort_Nelson Canada / NA MST - BC (Ft Nelson) -07:00/-07:00
America/Glace_Bay Canada / NA Atlantic - NS (Cape Breton) -04:00/-03:00
America/Goose_Bay Canada / NA Atlantic - Labrador (most areas) -04:00/-03:00
America/Halifax Canada / NA Atlantic - NS (most areas); PE -04:00/-03:00
America/Inuvik Canada / NA Mountain - NT (west) -07:00/-06:00
America/Iqaluit Canada / NA Eastern - NU (most east areas) -05:00/-04:00
America/Moncton Canada / NA Atlantic - New Brunswick -04:00/-03:00
America/Nipigon Canada / NA Eastern - ON, QC (no DST 1967-73) -05:00/-04:00
America/Pangnirtung Canada / NA Eastern - NU (Pangnirtung) -05:00/-04:00
America/Rainy_River Canada / NA Central - ON (Rainy R, Ft Frances) -06:00/-05:00
America/Rankin_Inlet Canada / NA Central - NU (central) -06:00/-05:00
America/Regina Canada / NA CST - SK (most areas) -06:00/-06:00
America/Resolute Canada / NA Central - NU (Resolute) -06:00/-05:00
America/St_Johns Canada / NA Newfoundland; Labrador (southeast) -03:30/-02:30
America/Swift_Current Canada / NA CST - SK (midwest) -06:00/-06:00
America/Thunder_Bay Canada / NA Eastern - ON (Thunder Bay) -05:00/-04:00
America/Toronto Canada / NA Eastern - ON, QC (most areas) -05:00/-04:00
America/Vancouver Canada / NA Pacific - BC (most areas) -08:00/-07:00
America/Whitehorse Canada / NA Pacific - Yukon (south) -08:00/-07:00
America/Winnipeg Canada / NA Central - ON (west); Manitoba -06:00/-05:00
America/Yellowknife Canada / NA Mountain - NT (central) -07:00/-06:00
Indian/Cocos Cocos (Keeling) Islands / AS +06:30/+06:30
Africa/Kinshasa Congo, The Democratic Republic of the / AF Dem. Rep. of Congo (west) +01:00/+01:00
Africa/Lubumbashi Congo, The Democratic Republic of the / AF Dem. Rep. of Congo (east) +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Bangui Central African Republic / AF +01:00/+01:00
Africa/Brazzaville Congo / AF +01:00/+01:00
Europe/Zurich Switzerland / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire / AF +00:00/+00:00
Pacific/Rarotonga Cook Islands / OC -10:00/-10:00
America/Punta_Arenas Chile / SA Region of Magallanes -03:00/-03:00
America/Santiago Chile / SA Chile (most areas) -04:00/-03:00
Pacific/Easter Chile / SA Easter Island -06:00/-05:00
Africa/Douala Cameroon / AF +01:00/+01:00
Asia/Chongqing China / AS +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Harbin China / AS +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Kashgar China / AS +06:00/+06:00
Asia/Shanghai China / AS Beijing Time +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Urumqi China / AS Xinjiang Time +06:00/+06:00
America/Bogota Colombia / SA -05:00/-05:00
America/Costa_Rica Costa Rica / NA -06:00/-06:00
America/Havana Cuba / NA -05:00/-04:00
Atlantic/Cape_Verde Cabo Verde / AF -01:00/-01:00
America/Curacao Curaçao / NA -04:00/-04:00
Indian/Christmas Christmas Island / AS +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Famagusta Cyprus / AS Northern Cyprus +02:00/+02:00
Asia/Nicosia Cyprus / AS Cyprus (most areas) +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Prague Czechia / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Berlin Germany / EU Germany (most areas) +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Busingen Germany / EU Büsingen am Hochrhein +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Djibouti Djibouti / AF +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Copenhagen Denmark / EU +01:00/+02:00
America/Dominica Dominica / NA -04:00/-04:00
America/Santo_Domingo Dominican Republic / NA -04:00/-04:00
Africa/Algiers Algeria / AF +01:00/+01:00
America/Guayaquil Ecuador / SA Ecuador (mainland) -05:00/-05:00
Pacific/Galapagos Ecuador / SA Galapagos Islands -06:00/-06:00
Europe/Tallinn Estonia / EU +02:00/+03:00
Africa/Cairo Egypt / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/El_Aaiun Western Sahara / AF +00:00/+01:00
Africa/Asmara Eritrea / AF +03:00/+03:00
Africa/Ceuta Spain / EU Ceuta, Melilla +01:00/+02:00
Atlantic/Canary Spain / EU Canary Islands +00:00/+01:00
Europe/Madrid Spain / EU Spain (mainland) +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Addis_Ababa Ethiopia / AF +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Helsinki Finland / EU +02:00/+03:00
Pacific/Fiji Fiji / OC +12:00/+13:00
Atlantic/Stanley Falkland Islands (Malvinas) / SA -03:00/-03:00
Pacific/Chuuk Micronesia, Federated States of / OC Chuuk/Truk, Yap +10:00/+10:00
Pacific/Kosrae Micronesia, Federated States of / OC Kosrae +11:00/+11:00
Pacific/Pohnpei Micronesia, Federated States of / OC Pohnpei/Ponape +11:00/+11:00
Atlantic/Faroe Faroe Islands / EU +00:00/+01:00
Europe/Paris France / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Libreville Gabon / AF +01:00/+01:00
Europe/London United Kingdom / EU +00:00/+01:00
America/Grenada Grenada / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Tbilisi Georgia / AS +04:00/+04:00
America/Cayenne French Guiana / SA -03:00/-03:00
Europe/Guernsey Guernsey / EU +00:00/+01:00
Africa/Accra Ghana / AF +00:00/+00:00
Europe/Gibraltar Gibraltar / EU +01:00/+02:00
America/Danmarkshavn Greenland / NA National Park (east coast) +00:00/+00:00
America/Godthab Greenland / NA Greenland (most areas) -03:00/-02:00
America/Scoresbysund Greenland / NA Scoresbysund/Ittoqqortoormiit -01:00/+00:00
America/Thule Greenland / NA Thule/Pituffik -04:00/-03:00
Africa/Banjul Gambia / AF +00:00/+00:00
Etc/GMT GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
Etc/GMT+0 GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
Etc/GMT+1 GMT (Time) -01:00/-01:00
Etc/GMT+10 GMT (Time) -10:00/-10:00
Etc/GMT+11 GMT (Time) -11:00/-11:00
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Etc/GMT+8 GMT (Time) -08:00/-08:00
Etc/GMT+9 GMT (Time) -09:00/-09:00
Etc/GMT0 GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
Etc/GMT-0 GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
Etc/GMT-1 GMT (Time) +01:00/+01:00
Etc/GMT-10 GMT (Time) +10:00/+10:00
Etc/GMT-11 GMT (Time) +11:00/+11:00
Etc/GMT-12 GMT (Time) +12:00/+12:00
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Etc/GMT-14 GMT (Time) +14:00/+14:00
Etc/GMT-2 GMT (Time) +02:00/+02:00
Etc/GMT-3 GMT (Time) +03:00/+03:00
Etc/GMT-4 GMT (Time) +04:00/+04:00
Etc/GMT-5 GMT (Time) +05:00/+05:00
Etc/GMT-6 GMT (Time) +06:00/+06:00
Etc/GMT-7 GMT (Time) +07:00/+07:00
Etc/GMT-8 GMT (Time) +08:00/+08:00
Etc/GMT-9 GMT (Time) +09:00/+09:00
Etc/UTC GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
GMT GMT (Time) +00:00/+00:00
Africa/Conakry Guinea / AF +00:00/+00:00
America/Guadeloupe Guadeloupe / NA -04:00/-04:00
Africa/Malabo Equatorial Guinea / AF +01:00/+01:00
Europe/Athens Greece / EU +02:00/+03:00
Atlantic/South_Georgia South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands / SA -02:00/-02:00
America/Guatemala Guatemala / NA -06:00/-06:00
Pacific/Guam Guam / OC +10:00/+10:00
Africa/Bissau Guinea-Bissau / AF +00:00/+00:00
America/Guyana Guyana / SA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Hong_Kong Hong Kong / AS +08:00/+08:00
America/Tegucigalpa Honduras / NA -06:00/-06:00
Europe/Zagreb Croatia / EU +01:00/+02:00
America/Port-au-Prince Haiti / NA -05:00/-04:00
Europe/Budapest Hungary / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Jakarta Indonesia / AS Java, Sumatra +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Jayapura Indonesia / AS New Guinea (West Papua / Irian Jaya); Malukus/Moluccas +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Makassar Indonesia / AS Borneo (east, south); Sulawesi/Celebes, Bali, Nusa Tengarra; Timor (west) +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Pontianak Indonesia / AS Borneo (west, central) +07:00/+07:00
Europe/Dublin Ireland / EU +00:00/+01:00
Asia/Jerusalem Israel / AS +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Isle_of_Man Isle of Man / EU +00:00/+01:00
Asia/Kolkata India / AS +05:30/+05:30
Indian/Chagos British Indian Ocean Territory / AS +06:00/+06:00
Asia/Baghdad Iraq / AS +03:00/+03:00
Asia/Tehran Iran, Islamic Republic of / AS +03:30/+04:30
Atlantic/Reykjavik Iceland / EU +00:00/+00:00
Europe/Rome Italy / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Jersey Jersey / EU +00:00/+01:00
America/Jamaica Jamaica / NA -05:00/-05:00
Asia/Amman Jordan / AS +02:00/+03:00
Asia/Tokyo Japan / AS +09:00/+09:00
Africa/Nairobi Kenya / AF +03:00/+03:00
Asia/Bishkek Kyrgyzstan / AS +06:00/+06:00
Asia/Phnom_Penh Cambodia / AS +07:00/+07:00
Pacific/Enderbury Kiribati / OC Phoenix Islands +13:00/+13:00
Pacific/Kiritimati Kiribati / OC Line Islands +14:00/+14:00
Pacific/Tarawa Kiribati / OC Gilbert Islands +12:00/+12:00
Indian/Comoro Comoros / AF +03:00/+03:00
America/St_Kitts Saint Kitts and Nevis / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Pyongyang Korea, Democratic People's Republic of / AS +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Seoul Korea, Republic of / AS +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Kuwait Kuwait / AS +03:00/+03:00
America/Cayman Cayman Islands / NA -05:00/-05:00
Asia/Almaty Kazakhstan / AS Kazakhstan (most areas) +06:00/+06:00
Asia/Aqtau Kazakhstan / AS Mangghystau/Mankistau +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Aqtobe Kazakhstan / AS Aqtobe/Aktobe +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Atyrau Kazakhstan / AS Atyrau/Atirau/Gur'yev +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Oral Kazakhstan / AS West Kazakhstan +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Qyzylorda Kazakhstan / AS Qyzylorda/Kyzylorda/Kzyl-Orda +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Vientiane Lao People's Democratic Republic / AS +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Beirut Lebanon / AS +02:00/+03:00
America/St_Lucia Saint Lucia / NA -04:00/-04:00
Europe/Vaduz Liechtenstein / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Colombo Sri Lanka / AS +05:30/+05:30
Africa/Monrovia Liberia / AF +00:00/+00:00
Africa/Maseru Lesotho / AF +02:00/+02:00
Europe/Vilnius Lithuania / EU +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Luxembourg Luxembourg / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Riga Latvia / EU +02:00/+03:00
Africa/Tripoli Libya / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Casablanca Morocco / AF +01:00/+01:00
Europe/Monaco Monaco / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Chisinau Moldova, Republic of / EU +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Podgorica Montenegro / EU +01:00/+02:00
America/Marigot Saint Martin (French part) / NA -04:00/-04:00
Indian/Antananarivo Madagascar / AF +03:00/+03:00
Pacific/Kwajalein Marshall Islands / OC Kwajalein +12:00/+12:00
Pacific/Majuro Marshall Islands / OC Marshall Islands (most areas) +12:00/+12:00
Europe/Skopje North Macedonia / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Bamako Mali / AF +00:00/+00:00
Asia/Rangoon Myanmar / AS +06:30/+06:30
Asia/Yangon Myanmar / AS +06:30/+06:30
Asia/Choibalsan Mongolia / AS Dornod, Sukhbaatar +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Hovd Mongolia / AS Bayan-Olgiy, Govi-Altai, Hovd, Uvs, Zavkhan +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Ulaanbaatar Mongolia / AS Mongolia (most areas) +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Macau Macao / AS +08:00/+08:00
Pacific/Saipan Northern Mariana Islands / OC +10:00/+10:00
America/Martinique Martinique / NA -04:00/-04:00
Africa/Nouakchott Mauritania / AF +00:00/+00:00
America/Montserrat Montserrat / NA -04:00/-04:00
Europe/Malta Malta / EU +01:00/+02:00
Indian/Mauritius Mauritius / AF +04:00/+04:00
Indian/Maldives Maldives / AS +05:00/+05:00
Africa/Blantyre Malawi / AF +02:00/+02:00
America/Santa_Isabel Mexico / NA -08:00/-07:00
America/Bahia_Banderas Mexico / NA Central Time - Bahia de Banderas -06:00/-05:00
America/Cancun Mexico / NA Eastern Standard Time - Quintana Roo -05:00/-05:00
America/Chihuahua Mexico / NA Mountain Time - Chihuahua (most areas) -07:00/-06:00
America/Hermosillo Mexico / NA Mountain Standard Time - Sonora -07:00/-07:00
America/Matamoros Mexico / NA Central Time US - Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas (US border) -06:00/-05:00
America/Mazatlan Mexico / NA Mountain Time - Baja California Sur, Nayarit, Sinaloa -07:00/-06:00
America/Merida Mexico / NA Central Time - Campeche, Yucatan -06:00/-05:00
America/Mexico_City Mexico / NA Central Time -06:00/-05:00
America/Monterrey Mexico / NA Central Time - Durango; Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas (most areas) -06:00/-05:00
America/Ojinaga Mexico / NA Mountain Time US - Chihuahua (US border) -07:00/-06:00
America/Tijuana Mexico / NA Pacific Time US - Baja California -08:00/-07:00
Asia/Kuala_Lumpur Malaysia / AS Malaysia (peninsula) +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Kuching Malaysia / AS Sabah, Sarawak +08:00/+08:00
Africa/Maputo Mozambique / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Windhoek Namibia / AF +02:00/+02:00
Pacific/Noumea New Caledonia / OC +11:00/+11:00
Africa/Niamey Niger / AF +01:00/+01:00
Pacific/Norfolk Norfolk Island / OC +11:00/+11:00
Africa/Lagos Nigeria / AF +01:00/+01:00
America/Managua Nicaragua / NA -06:00/-06:00
Europe/Amsterdam Netherlands / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Oslo Norway / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Kathmandu Nepal / AS +05:45/+05:45
Pacific/Nauru Nauru / OC +12:00/+12:00
Pacific/Niue Niue / OC -11:00/-11:00
Pacific/Auckland New Zealand / OC New Zealand (most areas) +12:00/+13:00
Pacific/Chatham New Zealand / OC Chatham Islands +12:45/+13:45
Asia/Muscat Oman / AS +04:00/+04:00
America/Panama Panama / NA -05:00/-05:00
America/Lima Peru / SA -05:00/-05:00
Pacific/Gambier French Polynesia / OC Gambier Islands -09:00/-09:00
Pacific/Marquesas French Polynesia / OC Marquesas Islands -09:30/-09:30
Pacific/Tahiti French Polynesia / OC Society Islands -10:00/-10:00
Pacific/Bougainville Papua New Guinea / OC Bougainville +11:00/+11:00
Pacific/Port_Moresby Papua New Guinea / OC Papua New Guinea (most areas) +10:00/+10:00
Asia/Manila Philippines / AS +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Karachi Pakistan / AS +05:00/+05:00
Europe/Warsaw Poland / EU +02:00/+03:00
America/Miquelon Saint Pierre and Miquelon / NA -03:00/-02:00
Pacific/Pitcairn Pitcairn / NA -08:00/-08:00
America/Puerto_Rico Puerto Rico / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Gaza Palestine, State of / AS Gaza Strip +02:00/+03:00
Asia/Hebron Palestine, State of / AS West Bank +02:00/+03:00
Atlantic/Azores Portugal / EU Azores -01:00/+00:00
Atlantic/Madeira Portugal / EU Madeira Islands +00:00/+01:00
Europe/Lisbon Portugal / EU Portugal (mainland) +00:00/+01:00
Pacific/Palau Palau / OC +09:00/+09:00
America/Asuncion Paraguay / SA -04:00/-03:00
Asia/Qatar Qatar / AS +03:00/+03:00
Indian/Reunion Réunion / AF +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Bucharest Romania / EU +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Belgrade Serbia / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Anadyr Russian Federation / EU MSK+09 - Bering Sea +12:00/+12:00
Asia/Barnaul Russian Federation / EU MSK+04 - Altai +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Chita Russian Federation / EU MSK+06 - Zabaykalsky +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Irkutsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+05 - Irkutsk, Buryatia +08:00/+08:00
Asia/Kamchatka Russian Federation / EU MSK+09 - Kamchatka +12:00/+12:00
Asia/Khandyga Russian Federation / EU MSK+06 - Tomponsky, Ust-Maysky +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Krasnoyarsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+04 - Krasnoyarsk area +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Magadan Russian Federation / EU MSK+08 - Magadan +11:00/+11:00
Asia/Novokuznetsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+04 - Kemerovo +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Novosibirsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+04 - Novosibirsk +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Omsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+03 - Omsk +06:00/+06:00
Asia/Sakhalin Russian Federation / EU MSK+08 - Sakhalin Island +11:00/+11:00
Asia/Srednekolymsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+08 - Sakha (E); North Kuril Is +11:00/+11:00
Asia/Tomsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+04 - Tomsk +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Ust-Nera Russian Federation / EU MSK+07 - Oymyakonsky +10:00/+10:00
Asia/Vladivostok Russian Federation / EU MSK+07 - Amur River +10:00/+10:00
Asia/Yakutsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+06 - Lena River +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Yekaterinburg Russian Federation / EU MSK+02 - Urals +05:00/+05:00
Europe/Astrakhan Russian Federation / EU MSK+01 - Astrakhan +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Kaliningrad Russian Federation / EU MSK-01 - Kaliningrad +02:00/+02:00
Europe/Kirov Russian Federation / EU MSK+00 - Kirov +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Moscow Russian Federation / EU MSK+00 - Moscow area +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Samara Russian Federation / EU MSK+01 - Samara, Udmurtia +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Saratov Russian Federation / EU MSK+01 - Saratov +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Ulyanovsk Russian Federation / EU MSK+01 - Ulyanovsk +04:00/+04:00
Europe/Volgograd Russian Federation / EU MSK+01 - Volgograd +04:00/+04:00
Africa/Kigali Rwanda / AF +02:00/+02:00
Asia/Riyadh Saudi Arabia / AS +03:00/+03:00
Pacific/Guadalcanal Solomon Islands / OC +11:00/+11:00
Indian/Mahe Seychelles / AF +04:00/+04:00
Africa/Khartoum Sudan / AF +02:00/+02:00
Europe/Stockholm Sweden / EU +01:00/+02:00
Asia/Singapore Singapore / AS +08:00/+08:00
Atlantic/St_Helena Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha / AF +00:00/+00:00
Europe/Ljubljana Slovenia / EU +01:00/+02:00
Arctic/Longyearbyen Svalbard and Jan Mayen / EU +01:00/+02:00
Europe/Bratislava Slovakia / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Freetown Sierra Leone / AF +00:00/+00:00
Europe/San_Marino San Marino / EU +01:00/+02:00
Africa/Dakar Senegal / AF +00:00/+00:00
Africa/Mogadishu Somalia / AF +03:00/+03:00
America/Paramaribo Suriname / SA -03:00/-03:00
Africa/Juba South Sudan / AF +03:00/+03:00
Africa/Sao_Tome Sao Tome and Principe / AF +00:00/+00:00
America/El_Salvador El Salvador / NA -06:00/-06:00
America/Lower_Princes Sint Maarten (Dutch part) / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Damascus Syrian Arab Republic / AS +02:00/+03:00
Africa/Mbabane Eswatini / AF +02:00/+02:00
America/Grand_Turk Turks and Caicos Islands / NA -05:00/-04:00
Africa/Ndjamena Chad / AF +01:00/+01:00
Indian/Kerguelen French Southern Territories / AF +05:00/+05:00
Africa/Lome Togo / AF +00:00/+00:00
Asia/Bangkok Thailand / AS +07:00/+07:00
Asia/Dushanbe Tajikistan / AS +05:00/+05:00
Pacific/Fakaofo Tokelau / OC +13:00/+13:00
Asia/Dili Timor-Leste / OC +09:00/+09:00
Asia/Ashgabat Turkmenistan / AS +05:00/+05:00
Africa/Tunis Tunisia / AF +01:00/+01:00
Pacific/Tongatapu Tonga / OC +13:00/+14:00
Asia/Istanbul Turkey / AS +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Istanbul Turkey / AS +03:00/+03:00
America/Port_of_Spain Trinidad and Tobago / NA -04:00/-04:00
Pacific/Funafuti Tuvalu / OC +12:00/+12:00
Asia/Taipei Taiwan, Province of China / AS +08:00/+08:00
Africa/Dar_es_Salaam Tanzania, United Republic of / AF +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Kiev Ukraine / EU Ukraine (most areas) +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Simferopol Ukraine / EU Crimea +03:00/+03:00
Europe/Uzhgorod Ukraine / EU Ruthenia +02:00/+03:00
Europe/Zaporozhye Ukraine / EU Zaporozh'ye/Zaporizhia; Lugansk/Luhansk (east) +02:00/+03:00
Africa/Kampala Uganda / AF +03:00/+03:00
Pacific/Johnston United States Minor Outlying Islands / AF -10:00/-10:00
Pacific/Midway United States Minor Outlying Islands / AF Midway Islands -11:00/-11:00
Pacific/Wake United States Minor Outlying Islands / AF Wake Island +12:00/+12:00
America/Adak United States / NA Aleutian Islands -10:00/-09:00
America/Anchorage United States / NA Alaska (most areas) -09:00/-08:00
America/Boise United States / NA Mountain - ID (south); OR (east) -07:00/-06:00
America/Chicago United States / NA Central (most areas) -06:00/-05:00
America/Denver United States / NA Mountain (most areas) -07:00/-06:00
America/Detroit United States / NA Eastern - MI (most areas) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Indianapolis United States / NA Eastern - IN (most areas) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Knox United States / NA Central - IN (Starke) -06:00/-05:00
America/Indiana/Marengo United States / NA Eastern - IN (Crawford) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Petersburg United States / NA Eastern - IN (Pike) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Tell_City United States / NA Central - IN (Perry) -06:00/-05:00
America/Indiana/Vevay United States / NA Eastern - IN (Switzerland) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Vincennes United States / NA Eastern - IN (Da, Du, K, Mn) -05:00/-04:00
America/Indiana/Winamac United States / NA Eastern - IN (Pulaski) -05:00/-04:00
America/Juneau United States / NA Alaska - Juneau area -09:00/-08:00
America/Kentucky/Louisville United States / NA Eastern - KY (Louisville area) -05:00/-04:00
America/Kentucky/Monticello United States / NA Eastern - KY (Wayne) -05:00/-04:00
America/Los_Angeles United States / NA Pacific -08:00/-07:00
America/Menominee United States / NA Central - MI (Wisconsin border) -06:00/-05:00
America/Metlakatla United States / NA Alaska - Annette Island -09:00/-08:00
America/New_York United States / NA Eastern (most areas) -05:00/-04:00
America/Nome United States / NA Alaska (west) -09:00/-08:00
America/North_Dakota/Beulah United States / NA Central - ND (Mercer) -06:00/-05:00
America/North_Dakota/Center United States / NA Central - ND (Oliver) -06:00/-05:00
America/North_Dakota/New_Salem United States / NA Central - ND (Morton rural) -06:00/-05:00
America/Phoenix United States / NA MST - Arizona (except Navajo) -07:00/-07:00
America/Sitka United States / NA Alaska - Sitka area -09:00/-08:00
America/Yakutat United States / NA Alaska - Yakutat -09:00/-08:00
Pacific/Honolulu United States / NA Hawaii -10:00/-10:00
UTC UTC (Time) +00:00/+00:00
America/Montevideo Uruguay / SA -03:00/-03:00
Asia/Samarkand Uzbekistan / AS Uzbekistan (west) +05:00/+05:00
Asia/Tashkent Uzbekistan / AS Uzbekistan (east) +05:00/+05:00
Europe/Vatican Holy See (Vatican City State) / AS +01:00/+02:00
America/St_Vincent Saint Vincent and the Grenadines / NA -04:00/-04:00
America/Caracas Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of / SA -04:00/-04:00
America/Tortola Virgin Islands, British / NA -04:00/-04:00
America/St_Thomas Virgin Islands, U.S. / NA -04:00/-04:00
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh Vietnam / AS +07:00/+07:00
Pacific/Efate Vanuatu / OC +11:00/+11:00
Pacific/Wallis Wallis and Futuna / OC +12:00/+12:00
Pacific/Apia Samoa / OC +13:00/+14:00
Asia/Aden Yemen / AS +03:00/+03:00
Indian/Mayotte Mayotte / AF +03:00/+03:00
Africa/Johannesburg South Africa / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Lusaka Zambia / AF +02:00/+02:00
Africa/Harare Zimbabwe / AF +02:00/+02:00